These images were cropped to the proper aspect ratio for a wallpaper on a Motorola Photon 4G. They are all based on photographs I've taken and I'm offering them for use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Please direct questions, inquiries and attributions to us at <>.

Click the thumbnail or the descriptions to see a full size version of the wallpaper image.

Added 9/28/12:From photos taken on August 22th, 2012 while driving through the Feather River canyon. At first the air was clear under a bright, cloudless sky. But as we continued, smoke from distant wildfires got thicker and thicker until the sunlight was muted and stained yellow/grey.

Added 9/4/12:These photos were taken on August 20th and 21st, 2012 in the Plumas National Forest near Graegle California.

Added 8/13/12:I shot from a beach near El Grenada, California on August 3rd. I can't quite get the processing right, but it still captures a sense of what the water was like that day.

Added 8/3/12:Just a couple more photos I found in my archives that cropped down to Photo aspect ratio well.
Docks of "Princeton by the Sea"
More from the same docks
Gull w/ chicks in Santa Cruz

Added 7/29/12:I took a handful of flowers on July 26th, 2012 in the garden around my house. Here are a couple wallpapers of one particularly vibrant Dahlia blossom.

Added 7/23/12: The next group is a bunch of photos I took in Yosemite on July 17th, 2011.

Added: 5/22/12: The initial set is just a couple random photos that I picked as a test. They were all taken around the San Fracisco Bay area between 2008 and 2012.

Twin Peaks Looking at Bay Bridge and Berkeley

Field of Dry Grasses at Sunset

Surfer Entering the Water in Pacifica

Red-Winged Blackbird in Flight

Santa Cruz, Breaking Wave #1

Santa Cruz, Breaking Wave #2

Flower Detail, from San Mateo Garden Show
